single girl on taiwan dating site

Best Site To Contact Taiwanese Girls Online

The online dating culture in Taiwan is growing very fast, and it’s the most practical way for a foreign man to meet Taiwanese ladies and other nationalities living in Taiwan.

Most Taiwanese women aren’t interested in foreign men because they prefer to date local men. But there are also open-minded ladies who dream to meet you.

They use online sites to connect with foreign men, and the most popular at the moment is called “”

In this article, I’ll explain how to get out the most of “” so you can quickly find and meet your dream girl.


Why Use

It’s the easiest way for expatriates living here or single guys visiting Taiwan to meet women…

best Taiwan dating sites

Girls on dating sites are there for the same reasons you are reading this, they want to find a foreign man, and you want to find a woman in Taiwan.

It doesn’t matter your age, there are young girls for men in their 20s and a fair share of 25+ women for older men.

If you prefer slim and petite girls or curvier and taller ones, you’ll find them on There are ladies for any taste and different backgrounds.

What is the point of going out in bars, clubs, or other social venues when you can conveniently meet girls online? They are on this dating site for the same reason as you… It’s a win-win situation.

You don’t have to face awkward situations or try to approach girls with some pick-up line in a foreign country. Girls on this dating site are very friendly and open to talk to you. is perfect for tourists who are visiting Taiwan for the first time and want to meet local girls along the way. You can get a temporary girlfriend to be your tour guide during the day and a lover at night.

Thanks to this site, during my last visit to Taiwan, I set up around 4 dates, ended up meeting 3 girls and slept with all of them. The more dates you get, the more girlfriends you can get. It’s a number game.

I could never have managed to do that by randomly approaching girls in Taiwan. The reason is you never know if she is single or interested in foreign men. Sites like have only single ladies interested in foreign men.

It doesn’t matter if you want to meet women in Taiwan for friendship, relationship or simply because you want to get laid, this site is your best opportunity.


Are Girls Beautiful & Hot For Action?

Like any other social place, there are many types of girls online: sexy, cute, serious, fun, tall, small, not hot girls. It’s a mixed bag, but a big one.

To give you a better idea about the girls on, here’s a screenshot I just took…

Those girls are all living in Taiwan, and there are hundreds of them. You also have access to thousands of ladies from other Asian countries, particularly helpful if you are planning an Asian tour.

When I took this screenshot, there were 2.000 women from all over Asia online. Meaning you can have conversations with girls right away.

Girls online are friendly and responsive, and I never experience any rude reply or bad behavior.

Also, girls that go online to look for a man are ready to get intimate. They feel hot and want to meet someone to spice up their life. Don’t be scared to start a conversation, just say “hi,” and the game is on.


How To Get Started…

Upload a few presentable photos where you are groomed and dressed properly. And by properly I mean with a pair of shoes, trousers and a polo t-shirt or shirt. Not drunk or stoned at your birthday 🙂

Write your intentions, interests, and hobbies on your profile. Keep it brief, and don’t forget to add some Mandarin Chinese words (use Google Translate). Something like “my name is” jor a simple “hello” would do.

It surprises girls when a foreign man can speak their language. It also shows that you are open to learning about the culture… And don’t mention that you want to improve your Mandarin Chinese, because they really get turn on.

Once your profile is ready, within the day you should receive a few messages and interests. But be proactive, message a few girls.

Don’t overthink what to write about, girls in Taiwan are very friendly and understanding. They don’t judge you for anything you write.

One more tip, get the paid membership on for two reasons:

  1. you can’t chat with the girls without gold/platinum membership
  2. when upgrading your membership, your profile gets verified with a VIP badge. It helps you to get more attention and response from the ladies

Build your list of potential candidates, and once in Taiwan, just meet up.

Girls love to be taken to the cinema or for a drink at the sky bar. It also the perfect situation to make your first move.

If you prefer dining, ask the girls for a popular local restaurant… Not only it’s cheap, but the food is delicious…

dating Taiwanese girl meet online

Don’t hesitate to take her back to your room or a love hotel on the first date. By chatting with her on the dating site, you have already build up enough attraction and trust. The date is only a means to go physical about it.


Would The Site Work For Me?

Yes, it can. But first, you need to sort out what you really want and understand what the girls want.

If you are on your seniors years (40-50), it’s easier to meet someone in their late 30’s and early 40’s. The age gap is modest. But if you would like to meet girls in their 20s, you should offer to pay for everything and give them a little extra.

Why would they want to date you when they can date younger guys? (Sorry, not being mean).

The sheer number of singles who use online dating to meet a foreign man has already improved your chances. With so many singles online, the probability of meeting someone that you connect is high.

Imagine being in a bar or club and how hard it would be to find girls you might connect with. It takes less effort online to screen the ladies while it is less awkward.

If you think that contact girls online is something you would like to explore more, you can create an account here.

You can join for free to test the water, and if you feel comfortable, you can upgrade your membership and start to talk with girls.