indonesia prostitute

Indonesia Prostitutes: Cheapest Sex In Indonesia?

You can find Indonesian prostitutes in any corner of the country. Not only in the red-light districts but also everyday girls working in shops, restaurants or dancing in the nightclubs are hungry for money.

However, not all Indonesian prostitutes are equal: hookers working in the red-light districts are professionals while everyday girls making a side income are known as freelancers (occasional prostitutes).

Most travelers think that all Indonesian prostitutes are the same but in reality, freelancers are much less risky business than professional ones.

For example, a girl working as a freelancer can do no more than one guy per day. Instead, a hooker working in the red-light districts can potentially do one guy every hour.

In other words, freelancers are less dirty and used than full-time prostitutes. And by freelancers, I refer to escorts.

The good thing about escorts in Indonesia is their naive nature and tendency to say yes to most sexual requests, besides being the best value for money.

In this article, I’m going to expose all the different types of Indonesian prostitutes and the relative prices (the going rates) that tourists pay for companionship and sex.

That way, you can get a fair deal without fear of getting ripped off.


Indonesian Prostitutes On The Street

street prostitutes in indonesia

At night the streets in Indonesia get populated by prostitutes.

The big city like Jakarta or tourist destinations like Bali, the girls standing or sitting down have a tag price. Those girls are there because they want to make money with tourists.

The best cities to pick up street prostitutes in Indonesia are:

• Jakarta – visit Cipinang and Bongkaran to find hundreds of street hookers. If that isn’t enough, in West Jakarta, Jalan Kyai Tapa (Grogol), Jalan Daan Mogot and Jalan Inspeksi Kali Sekretaris (Kebon Jeruk) are good places to walk after 9 pm.

The standard rates are 300k Rupiah.

• BaliWalk around Ground Zero Monument in Kuta or Legian street near Sky gardena to find streetwalkers.

The standard rate is 450k rupiah.

• BandungThere are two areas where to find street prostitutes in Bandung: Braga Street and Jalan Saritem.

Braga Street has better-looking girls than Jalan Saritem, but pricy. After 9 pm, near the intersection of Banceuy and Braga Street, beside the Hotel Royal Palace.

The standard prices 300-400k rupiah.


Night Club Prostitutes In Indonesia

In most nightclubs in Indonesia, you can find prostitutes alongside party girls. It’s hard to tell which girl is after your money, but a simple trick is to target tables with only girls.

Girls who aren’t prostitutes usually party with male friends that are happy to pick up the bill.

The price range is standard in any club, from 500-700k for all night, depending on whether she is a looker.

These girls aren’t “hard prostitutes” like the ones you find in the street. They are a better option if you want a girlfriend experience.

The downside is that you need to be able to start a conversation and create a spark of attraction with the girls.

In other words, only the money isn’t going to get you laid with a quality prostitute in any nightclub in Indonesia. Those girls are picky.


Indonesia Escorts Online

indonesian prostitute freelancer online

If you don’t like clubbing or want to avoid the prostitutes in the streets, then the best way to hook up with young and hot girls is on arrangement sites like Seeking.

There you’ll find university girls eager to hook up. Also, some of the girls are looking for a friend with benefits.

Unlike the girls you pick up in the streets and nightclubs who are desperate for money, the girls on arrangement sites have much higher standards.

First, you can have an intelligent conversation because those girls are worldly and educated. Second, they are open-minded and eager to try new things.


There Are Only Hookers And Escorts In Indonesia?

Of course not.

There are many girls who are looking for a boyfriend or husband. Just have a look at some popular dating sites in Indonesia to find thousands of girls eager to get into a serious relationship with a foreign man.

If you’re looking for an Indonesian girl who can look after your daily needs providing companionship, friendship and companionship, there is no better way to register with a dating site.