Kenya sex guide

Kenya Sex Guide For Single Men

If you plan to visit Kenya because of the girls, this guide is going to help you to find your way.

Kenya offers a sense of adventure and wildness because it is not commercialized. But also troubles for inexperienced single men.

With this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about Kenya’s sex culture. Also where to find girls hot for action, how to get a temporary girlfriend and the best sex tourist destinations within Kenya.

This Kenya Sex Guide was last updated on May 2024


Intro To Sex Tourism In Kenya

Sex tourism in Kenya is huge. Not only among men but also women visit to have some fun.

Kenya is so popular among foreign single men because local women offer incredible girlfriend experiences. It isn’t only about money and sex, but also about feelings and connection.

On top of that Kenyan women has thick big booties that are firm and in shape.

Comparing eggs with eggs, free-market prostitution in Kenya operates similarly to prostitution in Thailand. Girls decide by themself to enter in this trade, it’s a sort of sex capitalism.

Kenya sex tourism

It seems that most girls in Kenya are up for some fun and don’t matter what they do for a living. Working girls, streetwalkers, flight attendants or office girls are an easy lay. And because most girls are promiscuous, it’s hard to differentiate between pro and non-pro.

I’ll say that you can hook up with students, to 3rd-grade teachers to attorneys, and have sex with them on the first date. With or without small financial compensation.

The best part is accepting gifts (monetary or in-kind) after sex doesn’t make a girl look or feel like a whore.

There are plenty of opportunities to get laid in Kenya, but the sex tourist industry isn’t open like in Thailand for example. You don’t have a red light district where the best girls work all the time and the prices are arranged.

The channels are much more informal, but if you know how to use the right online tools, you can have a red light area inside your phone.

The Internet has been a big game-changer. Girls hang out on sites and apps like nowadays, not anymore in nightclubs and bars.

Five years ago the nightlife joints were bustling, now they are closing down.

Expenses like drinks, transport and the possibility to go home empty-handed are factors that have pushed working girls away from nightlife hotspots in favor of dating sites.

Only Mombasa seems still to have a decent nightlife, but for how long?


What About Girls & Sex In Kenya?

The girls in Kenya are excellent! In every meaning: very friend forward mzungu (foreigners), great bodies, beautiful faces, and horny all the time…

sex girls in Kenya beach

The best part is there is a huge choice of freelancing girls that hardly you’ll be alone for long.

Girls will hunt for you and your phone will be in “fire”. And don’t think all the girls are after financial compensation, some of them have never been with a foreigner and just want to try.

It’s ridiculous that you can’t reply to a sexy and horny girl because at one point you realize that you can’t fuck them all. Yes, it can be an overwhelming experience for a single man in Kenya.

Kenyan girls are open-minded and sex enthusiastic thanks to the liberal attitude of the nation. Nearby countries like Tanzania and Uganda are more close-minded.

The interesting fact is the many boarding schools in the country have helped the rise of lesbian/bisexual girls. It isn’t that hard to find bisexual women for a threesome.

Be patient with the lateness of Kenyan girls, it’s a national habit. When they show up, show respect and be kind, they appreciate such treats in a man and they will compensate you with a great time.

You can easily date teachers, nurses, or students and get laid at the first meet up. Not all girls expect compensation but keep in mind that most of them appreciate any help you can offer.

Honestly going to clubs, massage places, or just pick up streetwalkers is a huge risk for your health and a waste of money.

The reason is Kenya has so many everyday girls craving to meet a foreign man that it’s doesn’t make any sense to go with a hooker. They want to escape the restrictions of their family and friends while having fun and escapism with a foreigner…

And if you think to be too old for it, think again. Imagine you are not a 50+ man who doesn’t know how to deal with women. But you can charm them a little bit and get their trust.

In this case, you can get in contact with students or girls who have a real job, not the professional working girl at the nightclub or streetwalker. but it requires you to play the modern game, not the 90’s routine.

In today’s Kenya, you meet girls on dating sites, talk to them, gain their trust, and then have a real good time with these diamonds. It’s known as “girlfriend experience“.


Where To Find Sex In Kenya

In recent years Kenya babes have changed their way to meet foreign men.

Until five years ago the nightlife joints were packed with girls hot for action. But now they are closing down because Kenyan girls hung out on dating sites to meet foreign men, not the clubs anymore.

Once you understand how the system works, you’ll find paradise. Let’s start with…


1. Online

Kenyan girl offering sex online

Online hunting is the most efficient way to contact girls and get laid in Kenya. When you use the right site, you can have greater success.

We are in the internet age and there is plenty of girls on sites like Adult Friend Finder that want to hook up. It’s the hotspot for finding girls in Kenya.

There are many beautiful girls but you can’t fuck all of them. At best you can have a different girl every night.

To get the conversations started, send every girl the same message: “Hello, I’m in town for the week and I’m looking for friends. Are you interested?”

Being upfront is the best way to go because most Kenyan girls online are up for it.

If you aren’t in the country yet, build up a database of girls living in the area where you plan to stay. It makes things easier once you are there.


2. Nightclubs & Pick Up Bars

The nightlife scene in Kenya is going down everywhere, but there is still some action only in Mtwara.

Having said that, when it’s the end of the month and rent is due, go to the upscale clubs/bars and you’ll find plenty of girls willing to sleep with you. It’s an interesting phenomenon worth exploiting.

One more tip. After 2 am girls’ prices drop off the cliffs because they want to avoid spend money on transport and go home empty-handed.

Keep in mind to bargain down their price, they quote silly rates at first. Keep calm and offer 2.000-4.000 ken for all night, and make sure to state your sexual expectations.


3. Escorts – Call Girls

Sexy Kenyan escort

You take the escort root only if you are bored to fuck Kenan girls and wish a different flavor of the day. On sites like NairobiHot, you can find girls from many different African countries.

Search for girls based on your location, and you get shown all the escorts available near you. They are independent escort so you don’t deal with an agency.

The downside is most ladies’ pictures are fake to protect their privacy because the site is accessible from anyone. Ask some of her photos before commit.

Call girl’s prices range between 6.000-20.000 kes per hour depending on her nationality and booty size.


4. Sex Massage in Kenya

Erotic massages in Kenya are abundant, just walk down the streets notorious for sex and you’ll find a couple of erotic massage parlors.

You have the specialize erotic spa, the shop that offers happy ending massage and online services that send masseurs to your room.

If you are unsure, ask your hotel’s reception or a taxi driver to take you there.

A body to body erotic massage cost about 5.000-6.000 kes all-inclusive.


5. Strip Clubs

strip club girls in Kenya

Kenyan strip clubs are your last resort if you didn’t find any girl. They are nice places to have a drink and watch sexy ladies.

Most Kenyan strippers have curvy bodies. So don’t expect young spinners. Some strip club offers on-site short time rooms to take things to the next level. The standard rate is 3.000 kes for a pop.


6. Streetwalkers

street prostitutes in Kenya

Nobody sells pussy in the street unless they are women with serious problems like drug addiction. In this internet age, girls use dating sites and arrangements sites to sell their souls.

If you are the type of travelers that love adventure or want to pay as low as possible, pick up streetwalkers nearby the nightlife areas. You can get a pop for 500 kes.


Typical Costs In Kenya

• Companionship

Nairobi is the capital and most expensive city in Kenya to fuck. If you are on a budget, go to Mombasa for cheaper sex.

Keep in mind that working Kenyan girls are habitual liers and they love to fool you. If she asks for 10.000 kes, offer 4.000 kes. That’s how things work in Kenya.

When after big butt curvy girls, expect to pay more than for petite and skinny girls. In Kenya, curvier ladies are in demand.

Kenyan girls’ prices don’t vary much between categories of girls. You can fuck a stripper for 3.000 kes and the same applies for freelancers in clubs and bars.

The only exceptions are streetwalkers and everyday girls that work as a side hustle.

Streetwalkers are desperate and offer a pop for a mere 500 kes. They are the lowest of society, and you risk getting some diseases, seriously.

• Entertainment

Most places have free entrance. Drinks range from 600 kes for a cocktail in a nice bar to 300 kes for a beer in clubs. Bottles of wine start at 1.000 kes.

• Accommodation

Chain hotels cost double the price of a local hotel for good reasons. Local hotels are usually dirty and sad places to spend the night.

You can find good places for about 4.000 kes per night and five stars hotels on the 10.000 kes range.

Make sure your accommodation is close to the action and the city center so you don’t have a hard time getting girls in your room.

• Food

Local food in Kenya is great and cheap. A casual restaurant would cost you 600 kes for a meal while international one cost about 2.000 kes. On top of that, it’s hard to find good foreign food.

• Transportation

Don’t use the local taxi! They always try to rip you off. An easy solution? Use Uber. It’s the cheapest way to get around without overpaying for it.

Also, there are busses which are a good value if you plan to cross a city like Nairobi.


Tips & Tricks

Connect With Girls: Before your journey to Kenya, spends a few days on this site for connections.

• Short Communications: State what you want: “Hi There -) My name is XXX and your profile caught my attention. Let’s meet this afternoon or evening… Are you up for it?

• The more, The Better: Kenyan girls are unreliable. So, you should back up reserves in case she is out of town.

• Outdated Photos: Most girls have old profile’s photos. Ask for some recent picture, or better, make a video chat.

• Be Detailed: Don’t skimp on details about sexual preferences, and ask if she is ok with them. Better be clear then sorry.


How To Get A Holiday Girlfriend In Kenya

My Kenya girlfriend in Mtwapa

Do you want to meet a permanent or temporary girlfriend in Kenya? If yes, I’m going to show you how to get a quality girl for a girlfriend experience.

Enjoy the company of a fine ass woman that’s 20-30 years your junior and want to be with you is the best way to enjoy Kenya. You don’t feel alone in a foreign country and can experience the local culture on all a new level.

While in Kenya there are many prostitutes, there are other ways to enjoy the company of a good looking girl that has a real job or a student. Imagine being with a young and horny Kenyan girlfriend.

Unlike a prostitute with a temporary girlfriend, there’s no hassles about getting ripped off, starfish performances, haggling, glum, etc… Just genuine passion and lust. She stays with you because she wants you, not because of your money.

The thing is most single men that travel to Kenya to meet girls, get busy with the flight search, vaccinate, book a hotel but never think to search for girls.

Once they land in Kenya they rush up things to get a girl only to end up with a professional sex worker usually met in a bar or nightclub. It’s hard to differentiate between pro and non-pro in those social venues.

When they get robbed by her, then they think badly about all the Kenyan women. No wonder they feel cheated and swear to never come back to Kenya. Who is the fault?

Those situations happen only because travelers don’t know where to look for quality Kenyan girls.

If you want to find a girlfriend in Kenya, your best option is to use a dating app like Tinder.

Start ahead and get in contact with several girls before your trip. Learn about them, follow your guts feeling and you will be well rewarded when you arrive in Kenya.


Dating In Kenya

Dating Kenyan girls it’s pretty easy because they aren’t that sophisticated. That doesn’t mean you should look like a joke.

Dress nice and behave respectfully forward she and her culture. Don’t make her look or feel embarrassed to be with you, there is a social stigma to be with a foreign man.

You don’t have to take her to a fancy restaurant or five stars hotels, a simple coffee or a meal in a local eatery would do. But if you can afford high-class venues, don’t hesitate, the girl is going to give you an awesome time for it.

Kenya is a country that lives with today’s mentality because tomorrow is uncertain. So, if you like her don’t hesitate to get back to your place on the first date, sex is part of the dating process over here.


Best Sex Tourism Destinations In Kenya

Kenyan girl for sex destination

Kenya has several sex tourism destinations, from the beach resorts to the big cities and towns. Here a list of places for an easy laid:

Nairobi – The capital of Kenya where you can find the hottest and finest girls but at a cost. Plenty of students that need to make extra money on the side.

Mombasa – A beach resort city with the cheapest sex you can get in Kenya.

Mtwapa – This town never sleeps. It’s the place for party guys that want to hook up with horny Kenyan women. There are several hardcore mongering clubs, and the most famous is the Casuarina.

Malindi – It’s a resort beach town with a laid back atmosphere similar to Siem Reap In Cambodia.


Best Cities To Have Sex In Kenya

This is the end of this Kenya sex guide. Have fun there!