
Online Dating; How to Set Up For Webcam Chat


Essential Tips & Strategies To Skype

“Plan your conversation with hundreds of Asian women saving time and avoiding embarrassment”

Following the guide till now, you should have successfully set up your dating online profile and been in contact with several women till you reached the point of asking their Skype ID to take the conversation to the next level.

Why Skype?

Skype is the most PC to PC webcam communication system and is totally free. In Asia is super popular, and most of the girls online have one account. Plus, Skype is easy to install and register.


Get Started with Skype & Online Chats

Time is come to talk to your new online friends and to reach your overall goal (what ever this is in your case).

In this case, preparation is king.

  • First, download Skype.
  • Install the software and follow the easy set up to start chatting.

I would suggest using the same username as per your dating site profile to avoid confusion, select a cute avatar (I love to use Teddy Bear). Don’t worry about the profile; it isn’t important on Skype so you can skip it.

Get your webcam installed on the PC so you can look each other during the conversation. If you don’t have one, check the best webcam to buy online.


Organize Your Contacts

It is important to be organize with your contacts, because they will build up quickly and you don’t want to get confuse between girls.

This is something you will have to think about and ask yourself: “How should I organize my Skype contacts?”.

The way I do is by creating lists. I create a list by category, and I categorize the girls by a city where they live.

It’s useful for my travels, so I can locate the girls in that town immediately and start to chat with them few days before my arrival and arrange to meet.

So, how many girls you should have on your list?

Not more than 10 girls for a city. I chat with the girl at least three times, and if I like her, she gets on my list.

To keep my list clean, I delete all the girls that I don’t feel connect with, or I didn’t hear back. This part is critical.

At the moment, I have got 235 girls in my list from 25 locations around Asia.

Here is the thing, you don’t need to talk with all of them every few days. You can contact them after few months with a message like this; “Long time I didn’t hear from you, are you been busy?”.

She will apology and be embarrassed don’t have talked with you for so long. Don’t forget you’re in control.

It is all about your goal.


Looks Matter in WebCam


It is your first date, and you want to look polish for your video chat.

Three simple tips to portrait the best of you during a webcam chat your Asian girls.


Check Your Background

While in camera, the girl will see a good part of your background. You want to make sure the camera look at the best part of the room and behind you everything is in order.

Here you can portrait yourself and show who you really are. If you are into lecture, you will have a library in your back or if an Hip Hop fun, the poster of your favorite singer. Don’t be shy to show your real passion. Please, no naked women.


Position Yourself

Many people sit like taxi drivers and look down to the camera, showing the worst of their faces, no wonder women never chat with them only once.

Set your computer (if you’re on a laptop) on a few books so that you’re looking slightly up at the web camera. Not only will this tip make your image look better and slim down that double chin if you have one, it will be easier to focus on the conversation instead of the empty space in front of you.

Don’t forget to smile.


Light in Front Not in The Back

If you’re in a room with a window (i.e. natural light), face towards the window. This will ensure that light falls on your face. Avoid to have a windows on your back while on webcam, unless you also have light on the front of your face to balance things out. It is good to have natural light on your face, just place yourself face forward the window.

If you’re in a room without a window, dig around for a light that you can place in front of you—even if you only have access to a small lamp.


Dress & Shave

For your first date, don’t show up in shorts or pigiama. I know, you love the comfort of your home, but impression matter the most in Asian culture so try to look smart.

I usually dress in jeans, ironed T-Shirt, totally shaved and some hair gel. I take care of my look and I try to be as much sharp as possible. The girls are always impressed and tell me about other men looks dirty wearing cheap T-shirt and without even shaving.

Asian women put a great weight in appearance. So, make sure to dress properly and look good, I suggest to get your hands on the Be Stylish Ebook, great resource that show you how to go from an average man to a stylish lover.

Dressing well will lift your confidence and you’ll be surprised how women will start to approach to know you. After all, cool guys pick up.

See if you can relate to the guys below:

Dress in style 2

The classic easy going guy that dress the same for all the occasions. Finally he lift his game.

Dress in style

The nice guy next door type. Make sure to get dress properly on your Skype chats, fine girls wantonly the best, and you want to stand out of the crowd.

Are you ready to get the girls going crazy for you? Pass on your thoughts in the comment below, I’m here to answer your doubts.

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