how to find girl in pattaya

How To Pick Up Pattaya Girls And Get Laid

If you want to pick up girls and get laid in Pattaya, you need to know what is going on in this town.

Pattaya is a unique tourist destination in Thailand for a reason: the majority of the local female population is into prostitution. In other words, Pattaya is a whore town.

There’s no shortage of sexy girls who are ready to get laid for money… And if that is your thing, read the Pattaya sex guide.

The good thing is many girls have nothing to do with prostitution, and they would love to hook up or date a foreigner.

The real shame is those girls feel lonely because most tourists in Pattaya are too busy paying prostitutes instead to give them attention.


Is It Hard To Hook Up In Pattaya?

As explained in this article, it depends on how you meet the girls and the way you flirt.

Generally speaking, girls in Pattaya are horny. It is a resort town where everyone loves to have fun, and for Thai girls, sex is one of the most fun things you can do.

On top of that, Pattaya ladies have a fetish for foreign men. Meaning the girls you meet online, in malls or nightclubs, are eager to hook up.

Talking about nightclubs… There is a problem with the massive amount of prostitutes. It’s hard to figure out the ladies who want money from the girls who wish to have only a night of fun. It isn’t unusual to waste time and money on a girl, only to find out later that she is a hooker.

Nightspots like nightclubs and bars aren’t the right places to find girls. There is too much prostitution at night in Pattaya.

The alternative is to pick up girls during the day in the malls or get in contact by using a popular dating site in Thailand.

To answer the question: “Is it hard to hook up in Pattaya? The straight answer is “no!”

Thai girls in this town are friendly, easy-going, and love to have fun. If you are easy to be around, chances are you will get laid most days with a different chick.

They are eager to talk and meet you, but you need to meet them in the right place.


Best Places To Meet Girls In Pattaya



 1. Online

Thai girls in Pattaya are addicted to social apps and dating sites. That is a great opportunity for you to introduce yourself and ask them out.

It might be something hard to do if you prefer the old way to pick up girls. But it is how ladies in Pattaya socialize with foreign men, and if you play the online dating game right, you can quickly hook up.

If you’re simply looking for intimacy and friendship without the drama of a regular relationship, Seeking is the best site for you. There are many students looking for friendship and intimacy.

For something more serious, Thai Friendly is the most popular dating site in Thailand.

And if you just need to have casual sex or want to find a fuck buddy, you can’t go wrong with Asian Match Mate. There are plenty of horny girls and even couples down for a threesome.


2. Day Game

No doubt that online dating is the best way to meet girls in Pattaya, but if you prefer the old way to pick up girls face to face, malls are your best bet.

It isn’t going to be easy because not all girls speak English. So if you approach a girl, and she shies away, most times is because she can’t speak your language.

A good place to start a conversation is the food court. Food courts are busy from lunchtime to dinner, and there are always girls to approach. They hang out in groups, so be prepared to entertain several girls.

The best malls for hunting are Central Festival and Terminal 21. Of course, there are also other opportunities to pick up girls during the day, like in restaurants and shops.

Just ask for a piece of information to get the conversation going, make her laugh, and ask for the phone number. Message a few times and ask out.

The last option to meet girls in Pattaya is…


3. Nightlife In Pattaya For Singles

I’m not a huge fan of Pattaya nightlife because there are too many prostitutes. It’s hard to figure out if a girl is just out to have fun or if she is a hooker looking for money.

Weekends are busier with regular girls, and they are hot for action…

There are two main areas with clusters of bars and nightclubs. One it’s Walking Street, most foreigners hang out there. Most ladies are prostitutes because it’s the main red-light area.

Then there is 3rd road in North Pattaya. It’s a Thai area and seldom do foreigner venture here. But there are many hot girls.

Thai people go out to party in big groups, and if you want to have a chance with the girls, you should feel confident of holding up the conversation with everyone. Expect to be cockblocked from the guys, that’s normal.

The most popular nightclubs in Pattaya are:


How To Get Laid In Pattaya

Let me give you some pointers on how to score with Pattaya girls:

  • Dress properly

Pattaya is a resort beach town and most men go around in flip-flop and shorts, even in nightclubs. Don’t do that. Dress sharp with shoes and trousers to impress her.

  • Simple Conversations

Most people think that they can win girls with overly-complicated conversations, but that won’t work here. Be fun and outgoing, go with the flow, and you’ll end up in her bed.

  • Tell her how she makes you feel

Make most of the conversations glorify her beauty. Express your feeling about how she makes you feel so good, how happy you are with her, and so on.

What makes Thai women the happiest is to make you feel good.

  • Go For It

Never be afraid to go all out after you have met her. After a date, just take her in private. Chances that she turns you down are close to none.

Remember, Thai women can’t say “no” to a man, it’s considered rude in their culture.

Have fun in Pattaya!