Cambodian girlfriend

How To Find A Girlfriend In Cambodia

You can easily find a beautiful and young Cambodian girlfriend in any part of the country. That’s why so many men retired in Cambodia.

Where else can a mature man find a girlfriend or wife who is 10-30 years younger than him?

In Cambodia, you can see senior men holding a beautiful Cambodian lady and she looks so happy and so he does…

Foreign men with Cambodian girlfriends

Most foreign men have worked hard all their life but are unfortunately alone now. And they don’t want to spend their golden years alone.

So they find a nice Khmer girlfriend to get the love and attention that they deserve. And without breaking the bank.

Yet, some men are so desperate for intimacy that they end up with the first Cambodian girl met, and often she is either a bar girl or an escort.

As a result, after a few years, he does find himself alone again but without any money. Working girls are masters to empty men’s pockets.

So, in this article, I’m going to give some useful tips on how to find a nice girlfriend in Cambodia without breaking the bank. That way you can immediately start to chat with a few girls and organize dates.


What You Should Know Before Starting A Relationship

The majority of Cambodian girls can’t speak much English, yet they are eager to learn it. There are several schools in Cambodia that can teach English quickly for only 15 US$ a month.

Send a girl to school is a great way to show her that you care and you are serious about the relationship. In 3-6 months, she’ll speak enough English to be able to communicate with you.

If you can’t bother with her education and you want a smart girl that can speak English, you can always rent a Cambodian sugar baby on an arrangement site.

There are also some introduction services that help to find a girlfriend but they aren’t worth the thousands of dollars they ask for. You can easily find a girlfriend by yourself and I’ll show you later how to do it.

However, the best way is to chat with them online and understand their interests, needs, and culture. Only then fly to Cambodia to meet them personally.

This means it is a two-phases process: first, you talk to them for a few days or weeks, then you meet up.

All of this not only cut your costs greatly but you’ve much higher chances to find the right girl for you.


How Much Is A Khmer Girlfriend?

The cost of a Cambodian girlfriend apart from buying her a motorbike is about 150-1.000 US$ per month.

The amount depends on how much money you’ve spent around her at the beginning of the relationship. Meaning the more you show spending power, the more she’ll ask you for support.

For example, if take her for fine dining cuisine, buy expensive wine, and stay in a five-star hotel, you can expect to pay her at least 800 US$ per month. But if you take her to a Khmer restaurant and stay in a modest hotel, 150-600 US$ should be the norm.

So what you pay her all depend on the first impression she has about you. If you look like a millionaire, she’ll expect an allowance like a first-class lady. On the other hand, if you look like a modest guy, her allowance will reflect that.

Having said that, when you take into consideration that she’ll cook for you, do the cleaning, be your personal nurse and lover, the net costs are next to nothing.


Where And How To Find A Sincere Cambodian Girl

If you find an insincere girlfriend, she’ll leave you in an emotional mess, probably broken and give you anything except happiness.

Yet, when you’ll find the proper Cambodian girl, you might ask yourself why you didn’t do it 10 years earlier.

It means your happiness depends on finding a sincere girlfriend, and quickly.

The best way to find a Cambodian girlfriend is to use a popular dating site like Asian Kisses. There are plenty of Cambodian girls looking for a relationship.

Usually, older girls can speak English because they’ve worked in tourist areas or had a previous relationship with a foreigner. That isn’t always a good sign and you should be aware of the possibility she might be/been a working girl.

Instead, most young girls in their 20s can’t speak much English, and that’s a good thing. It means they didn’t mingle with foreigners.

When you find a Cambodian girl that you like but you find it hard to communicate due to her poor English, just send her to study in a local school. It’s pretty cheap and it shows you are serious about the relationship.

If you can’t bother with the dating scene and prefer a relationship with benefits, another great option is to rent a “sugar baby”.

Unlike girls you meet on dating sites, sugar babies offer intimate moments and companionship on your terms. It means you don’t get the downside of a regular relationship like nagging and drama, but only the upsides.

Just imagine having a Cambodian girlfriend who isn’t jealous or get upset…

Cambodia girlfriend for rent on holiday

She’ll look after your needs without the stress of a regular relationship simply because you give a monthly allowance.

The best way to find a girlfriend in Cambodia is by using a site like Seeking. There is no need for romantic hang-ups.

When you contact the girls on this site, go straight to the point. They are smart enough to understand what is all about while they appreciate a man who knows what he wants.


Best & Worst Girlfriend In Cambodia

The best girlfriends are university girls or women working in a massage shop. But if you want someone to go places or have dinner together, uni girls are a better proposition.

Students are busy with school only in the morning, so they can spend the afternoon and evening with you…

Khmer student girlfriend romantic dating

On the other hand, massage girls like any other Cambodian lady with a day job, work very long hours and have only one day off per week. So she can’t spend much time with you unless she stops working.

Avoid the bars and the red light districts if you want to find a proper girlfriend. Bar girls have bad habits like drinking and doing drugs. Not good treats for a relationship.

In conclusion, bar girls are the worst girlfriend material in Cambodia. Whereas students or massage girls are better companions.

If you want to get into a serious relationship, use a popular dating site in Cambodia to search for a girlfriend. If you can’t bother with the drama and jealousy of a typical relationship, rent a Cambodian girlfriend instead.