The Cost of a Girlfriend in Thailand

Costs For A Thailand Girlfriend Experience

Thailand is a hotspot for sunshine, low-cost living – and girls. Lots of girls. It’s one of the best countries in Asia to find a girlfriend.

And the great news is that there are also plenty of girls who are willing to be your rental girlfriend for a few days, week – and even a whole damn month.

That’s right, you can spend your whole stay with a Thai girl by your side. But what’s the price?

In this article, I’m going to reveal everything you need to know about the price of a Thai girlfriend.

But first, let me answer the most common question…


Do All Thai Girlfriends Expect an Allowance?

The idea of paying your girlfriend a “wage” isn’t part of traditional Thai culture, it’s bar girl culture.

Thai Bar Girls

If you’re looking for a regular girlfriend, you don’t have to worry about paying a daily or monthly allowance.

However, I’m talking about rental girlfriends here, where an allowance is part of the arrangement.

And even if you skip the allowance, it still isn’t free. There are still other costs to keep in mind, such as:

Food and drinks – Thai girls don’t eat that much, that’s why they are slim and beautiful. You can budget 300 baht per day if you eat street food. But some girls may not like that and think of you as a cheapass.

If you want her to treat you like a king then go to a nice restaurant which would cost around 1,000 baht per meal.

Cost of Food for Holiday Girlfriend

Shopping – Unless you opt for a working girl, you should buy some gifts for your Thai girlfriend. If she’s settling with souvenirs, a budget of 200 baht per day should be enough.

But if you’re taking her out shopping,  then the expense can easily cross 2,000 baht depending on where you go.

Entertainment – You want to spend quality time with her. Things like enjoying a romantic view of the city from a rooftop bar or going clubbing.

A working girl might cost you 500 baht per day in drinks alone while an everyday girl will cost less than 200 baht. Yes, working girls are addicted to alcohol.

Thai Girl in Beer Bars

To sum up, you will at least have to spend 300-600 Baht on her per day even if you don’t have to pay an allowance.

This is a win in my eyes because, in the next sections, you will see how much the costs add up when allowance comes into play.


Costs of a Short-Term Thai Girlfriend

Let’s first clear up what I mean by “short-term.” Here, I’m talking about arrangements that last from one day to up to one week.

Anything beyond that usually shifts into something more long-term, like living together for a month or more, which comes with different rates and dynamics.

Now, when it comes to short-term, the costs can vary depending on a few factors like whether she’s a freelancer or works in a bar, and how you both spend your time.

Let’s break it down into simple, easy-to-follow numbers. Keep in mind, these prices do not include hotel and traveling expenses.


Daily Costs For a Vacation Girlfriend

Daily Cost for Vacation Girlfriend

The daily rate for a Thai holiday girlfriend depends on a few things, like whether she’s a freelancer or works in a bar.

If she’s a bar girl, you’re usually looking at around 1,500-2,000 Baht per day, which often includes a bar fine.

Bar fines can range anywhere from 500-1,000 Baht, depending on the girl and the bar’s rules.

That’s just the start, though. Don’t forget about meals and entertainment. If you’re eating out or grabbing drinks together, expect to spend another 300 Baht.

Add it all up and you have somewhere around 2,000 to 3,500 Baht max, depending on where you meet her and how you spend.


Three Days Cost for Thai Holiday Girlfriend

Planning for a three-day arrangement? Just multiply the daily rate by three.

Based on our earlier numbers, the minimum base cost for her companionship would be around 6,000 Baht.

But that’s not the whole story. Since you’re with her for more than one day, you’ll need to account for meals, nightlife, and entertainment.

Enjoying Nightlife with Thai Girlfriend

That’s around 1,000 Baht on average for three days.

When you put it all together, the total cost for a three-day experience lands somewhere between 7,000 to 8,000 Baht.


One Week Cost for Thai Girlfriend

Now coming to the question people ask the most: “how much does a Thai girlfriend cost for a week?”

Logically, you’d think you just multiply the daily cost by 7, right? Well, you can’t be more wrong.

Many men make this mistake, I’ve seen girls commanding 20,000 Baht for a single week and that’s just absurd. They’re nowhere near worth that much.

Cost of Thai Girlfriend for a Week

First of all, If you rent a girlfriend for a week, you get a discount. You don’t just multiply it by the number of days.

Even with awful bargaining skills, you can at least slash 25% off their usual daily rate.

Let me give you an example: It’s like leasing a car for the long-term, you won’t pay according to the daily rate right? The same logic applies here.

With that in mind, if you negotiate 25% off from her daily rate you pay around 15,000 Baht for a week. This includes food and entertainment. And this is the rate for people who can’t bargain well enough.

I’ve personally rented girls as low as 8,000 Baht per week. You can get low-quality street hookers even cheaper. Either way, 10,000 Baht is a nice rate to shoot for.


Costs of a Long-Term Thai Girlfriend

Cost of Long Term Thai Girlfriend

This is where things get a little tricky. When someone talks about a “long-term girlfriend,” it could be a month, 6 months, a year or even more.

But for the sake of keeping the explanation simple, I’ll talk about one month’s cost.

And let me warn you that long-term relationships in this context can sometimes feel like a financial trap.

Over the years, I’ve seen plenty of men get scammed under the guise of a long-term girlfriend experience.

Some girls ask for upwards of 50,000 Baht a month, which, let’s face it, is just absurd. Unless she cleans your condo, cooks, does the shopping, she is a three-holer, bisexual, and sucks you off even during her period. Unicorns exist but don’t expect she is one until proven.

To put that in perspective, that’s like paying for 50 blowjobs from different girls!

The only ones paying this much are inexperienced Farangs who don’t know better.

Think of it this way…

  • The average Thai girl isn’t earning anywhere near 50,000 Baht a month. Most bar girls might make around 20,000 Baht at best, and even that’s on a good month. I’m not talking about the top GoGo girls who clear 100k+ per month, just the “average”.
  • Many of these girls come from Isaan, where the average daily wage is around 300 Baht. That’s 2,100 Baht a week or roughly 8,400 Baht a month for a typical worker.

So, when it comes to the girlfriend experience, where intimacy is included, paying more than 20,000 Baht a month starts to feel unreasonable.

Keeping all this in mind, here’s a monthly breakdown of the costs:


Monthly Breakdown

Base Allowance: A fair monthly allowance for a long-term arrangement would be between 15,000 and 20,000 Baht, depending on her needs and your budget.

Living Expenses: You might also need to cover some or all of her living expenses, like:

• Rent & Utilities: This only applies if she’s not living with you because you’re abroad or something and want to keep her around.

• Food, and entertainment: These could add another 5,000 to 10,000 Baht to your budget.

Food for Vacation Girlfriend

• Gifts and Outings: Keep things exciting with occasional gifts or date nights. Budgeting around 2,000 to 5,000 Baht for this can go a long way.

When you add it all up – base allowance, living expenses, and occasional treats, you’re looking at a monthly cost of anywhere from 25,000 to 30,000 Baht all expenses included.

Of course, this figure varies depending on your lifestyle and how much you want to spoil her.


Price Comparison of Vacation Girlfriend In Different Cities

Planning to rent a Thai girlfriend during your vacation? The price can change significantly depending on the city you’re visiting. Let’s break it down:

Thai Girlfriend in Bangkok Phuket and Pattaya



Bangkok is the most expensive city for a holiday girlfriend. The cost of living here is high, with upscale dining, luxury malls, and trendy bars adding to your expenses.

Renting a girlfriend in Bangkok means paying more for everything – daily allowance, food, shopping, and entertainment.

Expect to spend at least 20-30% more compared to other cities.

Daily Costs – A daily rate for a girlfriend in Bangkok can range from 2,500 to 5,000 Baht. Adding food and entertainment can easily push your daily expenses to 3,500-6,000 Baht.


Phuket & Koh Samui

Both islands are popular tourist destinations and come with higher price tags.

A girlfriend in Koh Samui or Phuket will cost you more, not just because of her allowance but also due to the expensive nightlife, fancy beachside restaurants, and tourist activities.

Daily Costs –  Renting a girlfriend on these islands can range from 2,000 to 3,500 Baht per day. Make it 4,000 with food and entertainment.



If you’re on a budget, a girlfriend in Pattaya is a much cheaper alternative.

The cost of food, shopping, and nightlife is noticeably lower compared to Bangkok or Phuket.

Plus, Pattaya has a wide variety of freelancers and bar girls, making it easy to find someone who fits your budget.

Daily Costs – In Pattaya, you can expect to pay around 2,000 Baht per day for a girlfriend. With additional expenses for food and entertainment, your total could be around 2,500-3,000 Baht.


How to Avoid Overpaying and Getting Exploited

It’s easy to get exploited and get taken advantage of, especially if you pick a bar girl. Here are some tips to avoid getting ripped off while keeping your sanity intact:


They’re Obviously In It For the Money

Bar girls are fun, lovable, and great at making you feel special, but don’t fool yourself.

Most are in it for the money, and no, she’s not leaving the bar because of you.

The lifestyle is addictive, and when push comes to shove, the bar often wins.

Tips for Best Vacation Girlfriend Experience


Find the Right Girl, in the Right Place

Want a genuine girlfriend? Skip the bars and focus on areas like Isaan. Yeah, I know you’ve heard many scam stories about girls from Isaan but trust me.

Here, you’ll find many educated, grounded women from good families.

Of course, some will still see you as a walking ATM but you’ll meet these kinds of women everywhere. This is where you need to use your judgment.


Keep Control of Your Finances

Never let her handle your money. Avoid buying property or putting anything significant in her name.

Even cars or rentals should stay under your ownership.

You’ll thank yourself when things go south, which they often do.


Be Firm but Fair

Many girls will try their luck asking for extra cash, gifts, or support for their “sick buffalo.”

Set boundaries and stick to them. Thai women respect men who hold their ground more than those who throw money around like confetti.


Remember – There Are Plenty of Fish in the Sea

If things get too complicated, walk away. There are millions of women in Thailand, and most of them are better options than a bar girl looking to milk you dry.

The running joke here? “This one is different.” Spoiler: she’s not.


 Is A Girlfriend Experience Worth It In Thailand?

Is Thai Girlfriend Experience Worth It

Finding a Thai girlfriend for a week isn’t hard at all and it doesn’t need to be hugely expensive.

But you need to start the search immediately for the right girl. Don’t think about arriving in Thailand and finding a good Thai girl with the snap of your fingers. It won’t happen.

There’s a lot to consider when looking for a long-term girlfriend who cares for you. You’ll especially have to focus a lot on grooming yourself.

That means dressing well and getting a haircut and massage so you look fresh.

Because as Robb says in his video, a young girl wouldn’t want to stay with a man more than twice her age for a long time if he looks droopy and saggy.

That said, you can try searching for university girls because they offer the best girlfriend experience. Not only are they naive and easygoing, but willing to try out things.

Also, when you take a student to a nice place like a rooftop bar or for some shopping, she’ll be extremely grateful and try hard to please you as a giveback.

In conclusion, you can either meet a traditional Thai girl on a well-known dating site and face all the issues of a serious relationship… Or skip the drama by getting a Thai sugar girl.